Friday, 17 April 2015

Skeleton Observational Work

Linear observations of the human anatomy in pen

Cross hatched pen observations of a human skull

Havercroft Cheri-Jo 1191859705

Primeval Woman Illustration

A3 piece done as an exploration into dotwork.

Havercroft Cheri-Jo 1191859705

Portrait Studies

A2 linear pen drawing - these are the 2 side panels of a triptych of Bridlington. The image on the left shows the harbour to indicate the vital role fishing holds in the town, the right hand image has the background of a bar which is representative of the towns decline over recent years and how many residents have turned to spending their days in the pub.
Fishing - Tourism - Alcohol
A2 linear pen drawing- the center panel of a triptych for the final piece of the project on Bridlington, each background of the 3 works is meant to reflect a different form of life in the town. This piece was in one of the towns souvenir shops, reflecting the tourism industry.

Linear pen work of girl - Coloured digitally and then overlayed. 01.06.13
Further exploration into pen -completed 01.01.13

Havercroft Cheri-Jo 1191859705

Tree Project

Mixed media close ups of bark. Created using pen, crayon and acrylic. I used a variety of colours to capture the different scenes one can find in bark, such as on the image in the top left hand which looks akin to a forest river scene.

Glass etchings of a lone tree.

Linear forest on a background of ink/bleach washes.
Havercroft Cheri-Jo 1191859705

Erl King Illustration Project

Observed bird sketches and etchings.

Character profile design for the girl who defeats the Erl King.
Experimental overlays and printwork as part of development.

Further development and experiments in layout

Erl King concept - 02.01.13
Havercroft Cheri-Jo 1191859705

Christmas Card Design

Simplistic 1900s scene including a robin in the foreground,  Tie dye inspired overlays
Havercroft Cheri-Jo 1191859705

Buildings Mixed Media

Overlayed dip pen imagery as part of a project on the rejuvenation of the landscape in a city.
Dip pen, watercolour and photo manipulation of the original images as part of development work.

Digital joiner photography as part of a project on the Seaside resort Bridlington. Aswell as watercolour transcription.

Etching of panographic image put together by hand. The swirls of the etching and the gloominess of the print are meant to reflect the sense one gets of a seaside resort in midwinter when heightened gales and rogue waves are the only visitors.
Havercroft Cheri-Jo 1191859705